Monday, March 11, 2013

alfred Wegener, Right or wrong?

The theory of the tectonic plates establish that all the continents were together creating just one big continent thousand years ago this is known as Pangea. Over the time

A plate tectonic are large plates of rock in the earth surface  that can be Oceanic or continental.


The thing that I enjoyed the most in the project was to work with different materials to get the model done.

The most challenging thing for me were the quiz because I did not know what I was going to be ask for, and i did not know if i was going to be right or wrong.

I learn how to use Animoto from this project!\

If I could do something that would of improve my work would be organizing the times so I can finish everything on time without worries. 

What I Would change about the project would be the limitation of partnership in different activities, because if we have a partrner the word would being easier and we would of end up faster.