Saturday, October 27, 2012

Crystals & Minerals

In science class we learned about crystals ,In the crystal Growth lab provide by Kara Macdevitt. Crystals are made by different substances, they can have different shape and size. We grew in science class  three types of minerals :  Sucrose, Halite and epsomite.  we needed to identify the changes over the days, we observe how it solidified.  Through this experiment we could see mineral properties as color, composition,harness.
 Mineral Properties

 Color: The color that you can perceive when you look at the mineral.

Streak: the color of the powder 

Hardness: identify how hard or soft it is using the Mosh Scale. 

Cleavage: Break evenly

. Fracture: Break unevenly. 

Composition: Chemical Structure. Luster: Metallic or non-metallic.


luster: Non-metallic luster
 hardness: 2.5 Cleavage: 
cleavage Composition: NACI 
Uses: food additive,melts ice.

luster: metallic luster
 Hardness: 1-2 
Cleavage: cleavage composition: C 
uses: pencil lead, lubricants

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