Saturday, October 27, 2012

Rock types

The rock cycle is when the rocks in the earth change shape and composition through a process that take many years and can be affect by different aspects. Magma comes out of the volcano to be lava, then this one gets cold and is how igneous rock is formed, we can have two types, intrusive that has big crystals  and extrusive that have small crystals. Sedimentary rocks are formed by compaction and sedimentation, in a simple way to say the rocks glue together, we find clastic that is formed by cold lava, bioclastic that is formed by death animals or plants, crystalline that is form  from liquid. Metamorphic rock are formed by heat and pressure. it has two types foliated that have lines or you can see the separation in levels and non foliated that is plain.


sedimentation- the rock glues together and get hard

Magma- rock that melted down and became liquid inside the volcano

lava- melted rock when it's outside the volcano

Sedimentary rock - rock that forms from sediment that gets glue together

Metamorphic rock - rock that is formed by heat and pressure.

Igneous rock - rock that forms when the lave cools down and gets hard.

Solidification - the rock becomes hard.

Weathering - rain, wind, ice that breaks the rock into piece.

Erosion - when the sediments are take to other places.

Sediment - small rocks broke in to small pieces.

Compaction -  when the rocks became compact.

Rock types

Igneous Rock

Intrusive- Big crystals 

Extrusive- Small crystals 


Clastic-  just rock pieces

crystalline-  rock form from liquid 

bioclastic - death animals or plants

metamorphic rock 

foliated - lines where you can see the separation

Non- foliated-  plain rock

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